Welcome to LearnforLife – a path towards change, introduced by the Patient Certificate Scheme
Our time is marked by major socio-economic problems rooted in behavioural issues that concern millions, if not billions, of people. Given small adjustments in the way people act in their everyday lives, there could be major reductions in the casualties of deadly disease, in the occurrence of accidents, in the onslaught of environmental degradation, and in social wellbeing.
It is well-known however that it won’t make a big difference that governments or experts turn on the big drum and spread messages to people “what to do” or “what not to do”. Under very special circumstances, top-down communication of that sort may work, but, generally speaking, people will change their behaviour much more effectively under completely different circumstances.
Well established research shows in which situations, and why, people are prepared to change. LearnforLife® represents a unique programme and effort to turn those insights into action. Through a range of innovative applications, LearnforLife has developed a comprehensive methodology and agenda to achieve the maximum impact, through the minimal injections for change.
The Patient Certificate Scheme (PCS) enables people to become more aware, and to be empowered, so as to take the measures needed to counter the most pressing societal and health issues of our time, for the purpose of promoting long-term wellness, increased productivity, and a better world.
As its fundamental toolbox, the PCS cherishes tailor-made information, communication and incentive packages. The scheme puts distinct emphasis on empowering the individual, introduces new means for generating incentives, and opens up new ways of making use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of empowerment and shifting from destructive to amenable behaviour.
LearnforLife is championed by PCS Ltd., a corporate unit which has been organized to prepare, organize, launch, and implement a range of these schemes. The activities are developed in close collaboration with a network of experts and partner organizations, spanning associated think-tanks, telecom companies, hospitals, universities, professional service providers financial institutions, governments, international organizations, and so forth.